Legal disclaimer
The information contained within website or provided by an employee of Get Your Future Together is not a substitute for professional advice such as medical treatment, psychological counselling or therapy. Under no circumstances can you hold or any employees of Get Your Future Together liable for any loss or cost incurred by you, or any person related or associated with you, as a result of materials, techniques or coaching offered.
Whilst employees of Get Your Future Together will exercise their best professional efforts, skills and care, Get Your Future Together holds no responsibility for the actions, choices or decisions made by the client. The outcome of coaching efforts cannot be guaranteed. Get Your Future Together will treat client information as confidential unless a client states otherwise in writing. If a client reports child, elder abuse or neglect, or threaten to harm themselves or someone else, necessary actions will be taken and client confidentiality will be limited in this capacity.
Furthermore if Get Your Future Together is ordered by Court to provide information or to testify, we will do so to the extent the law requires. If these terms are not agreeable, do not engage the service. By engaging the services of Get Your Future Together you have agreed to all terms and conditions.